

Dominique Strauss-Kahn acquitted of 'aggravated pimping'

A French court has acquitted former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of procuring prostitutes for sex parties in France, Belgium and the US. He stood, alongside 13 co-defendants, charged with "aggravated pimping". Mr Strauss-Kahn has always denied knowing that some of the women who took part in orgies he attended were prostitutes. The sexual habits of the former French presidential hopeful were at the centre of trial hearings in Lille in February. The verdict brings to a close four years of legal proceedings against Mr Strauss-Kahn, including charges of attempted rape which were later dropped in 2012

Malaysia Airlines plane makes Melbourne emergency landing

A Malaysia Airlines passenger plane has made an emergency landing in Melbourne, Australia after reporting a possible engine fire.
Flight MH148 had just taken off from Melbourne for the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur when the problem occurred.
Plane tracking sites showed the Airbus 330 circling Melbourne airport several times before turning back.
Fire engines were on site but airport officials said it landed safely at 15:00 local time (05:00 GMT).
All 300 passengers disembarked safely at Melbourne's Tullamarine airport, Malaysia airlines said in a statement.
A preliminary inspection of the plane, which has been grounded, showed "no physical evidence of fire externally", the airline said.
"Safety is our utmost priority," it added.

Colombia Farc rebel attack leave 500,000 without power

Colombia's Farc rebels have shot dead three police officers and cut off power to almost half a million people, the military has said.
The twin attacks come despite continuing peace talks between the government and the left-wing group.
The negotiations aim to end a more than 50-year long conflict that has left an estimated 220,000 people dead.
Last month the Farc ended a unilateral ceasefire it called, ambushing and killing 11 soldiers.
President Juan Manuel Santos responded by ordering the resumption of bombing raids on rebel positions.
He has called the latest attacks irrational. In the first, Farc members opened fire on police patrolling a stretch of highway, then later brought down an electricity pylon, plunging the southern region of Caqueta into darkness.
Farc fighters have targeted other Colombian infrastructure recently, including roads and oil pipelines.
Some analysts speculate the group may be trying to anger ordinary Colombians with the attacks, in order to force Mr Santos into calling a bilateral truce.
